1. I understand that my participation in a study abroad program (program) organized by THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIES INSTITUTE LLC, a Delaware corporation with its principal offices in Orlando, Florida, and Institutes in Perugia and Florence, Italy (Institute) is contingent on the Institute’s review and my acceptance of the terms and conditions of my application.
2. References in this agreement to “Applicant”, “I”, shall include the Applicant, any legal guardian or parent of the Applicant, and the Applicant’s spouse and heirs. References in this Agreement to “the Institute”, “Host Institution”, shall include its subsidiaries, and all of its officers, directors, employees, agents, interns, representatives, group leaders, and host school officials.
3. I understand that as a participant in the program, I will receive ongoing communication from the Institute both in preparation for my program and through the duration of my program. Therefore, I acknowledge that the Institute requires all participants to have working cell phone service with data upon arrival which is the only reliable manner to ensure that the Institute staff can reach students in the case of an emergency (see also point 20 on this document). I understand important program information may be sent via email and/or text messages. In the case that I block communications from the Institute, or do not provide accurate contact information, I acknowledge I am responsible for researching what advising information may have been missed. I understand it is my responsibility to communicate directly with the Institute and will not rely on others to do so on my behalf. In addition, I understand situations may arise that require my immediate contact, whether that be emergency concerns relating to the program, or matters relating to my family or other close relationships. I understand that the Institute, if it needs to contact me relative to such a situation, will utilize reasonable efforts in the circumstances, including e-mail communications and telephonic communications.
4. I understand that the advising information shared with me by the Institute is important and that I am to read it thoroughly. Should I have any questions or concerns, it is my responsibility to promptly contact the Institute for clarification. Furthermore, I understand that should I fail to respond to the Institute’s attempts to contact me over a period of 30 days, the Institute may withdraw me from its program and that I will be subject to any charges that may be relevant in accordance with the Institute’s refund policy at the time of my withdrawal. In addition, should the Institute request information, documentation, or payment (ex. A deposit) from me in support of my application or preparation for the program, and should I fail to meet their deadline for submission, I will be withdrawn from the program and subject to the Institute’s refund policy at that time.
5. I will comply with all the Institute’s Policies, including the Student Code of Conduct and other rules, standards, instructions and practices for program participation behavior. I understand that failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the Program. If dismissed, I understand that I will not receive a refund of any kind. I understand that my participation may be terminated if I am expelled from school, deemed academically ineligible by the school, or otherwise disciplined by school or civil authorities, or if the Institute, in its sole discretion, determines that my conduct is incompatible with the safety or welfare of other participants and/or myself, or, in any way undermines the Program interests, safety or welfare of other participants. I agree to indemnify the Institute if I do anything that causes the Institute to sustain financial loss or liability.
6. I understand that the Institute reserves the absolute right to reject my application or dismiss me from a Program if, after acceptance, the Institute learns of a condition (personal, medical, academic and/or psychological) which in the reasonable opinion of the Institute may endanger me or others, and/or puts me at risk in a foreign country, and/or shows a history of an inability to adapt to challenging situations, inability to meet the minimum attendance and participation requirements, and/or creates or requires burdens and resources not required or necessary to maintain other students.
7. I understand that the Institute occasionally uses statements made by its students and/or their photographs, recorded audio, or recorded video for promotional and marketing purposes on its website, social media platforms or printed materials. The Institute also shares select materials with partnering institutions in order to support both marketing and student advising efforts. I consent to such use of my statements, photographs, as well as any photographs or recorded audio and/or recorded video which include me and grant permission to the Institute and its officers, trustees, employees, agents, representatives, successors, licensees and assigns (hereinafter “the Institute”) to use them for promotional and marketing purposes without restriction.
8. I understand that this Institute has the non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, modify, and create derivative works from any photos, videos, or other intellectual property created by me for courses, work-study programs or any other intellectual artistic work and/or intellectual property created by me during my time at the Institute. This license encompasses the right to utilize the aforementioned materials for educational, promotional, and commercial purposes, both online and offline, without requiring further consent or compensation. The school agrees to attribute appropriate credit to the students whenever reasonably feasible.**
9. I agree that the Institute may add my name and email address to an email distribution list which will be shared with other participants on my Program, unless I request to be removed from this list by notifying the Institute in writing otherwise.
10. I authorize and consent that the Institute may release my Application, supporting documentation, and education records (as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act otherwise known as “FERPA,” 34 CFR Part 99.3; 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b)(1)(B)) to my home institution(s), sending institution(s), and host institution(s) (to appropriate officials within these educational institutions), as needed to administer my enrollment and participation in my educational program.
11. I understand that an after-hours phone number (ephone) will be made available to me for the purpose of contacting an Institute staff member in case of emergencies or urgent matters. I acknowledge and give my consent that all ephone phone conversations with me including calls initiated by me or received by me will be recorded. This recording is conducted with the exclusive intention of ensuring my safety and facilitating effective emergency response. I understand that at times the ephone may not always be functional due to signal loss, service or other issues, and the only assured access to immediate emergency assistance will be local emergency numbers specific to my location, such as 112 in Italy and the participating EU countries. It is my sole responsibility to familiarize myself with these local emergency numbers especially when traveling.
12. I understand that the Institute or the sponsoring academic institution reserves the right to make changes, cancellations or substitutions to the Program for insufficient enrollment, emergencies or changed conditions or based upon the best interest of the Institute and students. I understand that any expenses incurred due to these changes, cancellations or substitutions are at my expense. If I choose to leave the Program as a result of these changes, I understand that I will be subject to the Institute’s refund policy as it applies at the time of my withdrawal and that this may mean that I am not eligible for a full refund.
13. I understand that it is my responsibility to communicate with my Home Institution and Sending Institution in order to ensure the transfer of academic credit from my Host Institution to my Home Institution degree. I understand that while I can request syllabi and relevant materials from the Institute in support of credit transfer, the Institute cannot guarantee my placement in any course nor can it guarantee that my Home Institution will transfer the credits as I need or desire for my degree. Furthermore, I understand that should I choose to make any changes to my curriculum once I arrive at my Host Institution, I must do this in-line with add/drop policies and it is my responsibility to report any course changes, changes to the number of credits, or other academic changes of importance to the appropriate individuals at my Home Institution and Sending Institution. I agree that the Institute is not responsible in any way for my miscommunication or failure to communicate these changes to my Home or Sending Institution, regardless of the impacts it may have on my overall enrollment status, financial aid, or other factors. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to determine whether a transcript from my Host Institute will be sufficient for credit transfer purposes, or if a transcript from the Institute’s US university underwriter will be required. I agree to inform the Institute of this need within one (1) week of the program’s start date and acknowledge that failure to do so may negatively impact my ability to transfer credits and grades to my Home Institution and degree.
14. Any action or suit brought relating to this Application or my participation in a Program must be commenced and maintained in the appropriate state court of Florida. The parties irrevocably consent to jurisdiction and venue in such courts for such purposes and agree not to seek transfer or removal of any action commenced in any such court, and agree that Florida law applies irrespective of any conflict of laws analysis. In the event either party hereto institutes an action or other proceedings to enforce any rights arising under this Application, the party prevailing in such action or other proceeding will be paid all reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees by the other party. Such fees to be set by the court and not by a jury and to be included in any judgment or award entered in such proceedings.
15. I have read and understood the GDPR Data Protection & Privacy . Having read the GDPR Acknowledgement Regarding Protection of Personal Data and Consent for Processing, I hereby understand this notice and give consent for the Institute to: a) use my personal data (including sensitive data) for the purposes outlined in this notice if the use does not come under one of the possible cases for exemption under country or EU law; b) transfer overseas my personal data (including sensitive data) pursuant to the terms, conditions and limits specified under the provisions of article 49 (1) (a) of the EU GDPR, and more specifically to the United States of America, even if this country were not considered a safe harbor by the EU competent authorities; c) report to the appropriate authorities at my home institution, under the applicable laws (including but not limited to Title IX, HIPAA, and the Clery Act), any incidents including but not limited to: conduct and disciplinary concerns; if I am seriously ill; suffer an injury; am hospitalized; become a danger to myself or others; am the victim or accused perpetrator of harassment, sexual or gender-based misconduct, and/or criminal behavior; and any other serious situation that may affect my participation in an Institute program. I have read the Consent Form for Authorities and agree to its terms.
16. I understand that I will be traveling to a foreign country, with different customs, standards, laws and risks than I am accustomed to. I understand that my ability to travel between and/or access countries, including the United States, may be postponed, denied or limited due to government laws, regulations, pandemics, and other orders that create restrictions over which the Institute has no control and no ability to remedy. I understand and acknowledge that (a) I may become sick or injured while participating in a Program; (b) I may be arrested or imprisoned if I do not conform to local laws; (c) there exists crime in foreign countries and that I may be a victim of crime; and (d) I may not agree with local customs and standards. I accept the above described risks and other risks associated with travel in, to and among foreign countries. I understand that I am responsible for exercising caution and common sense at all times, and that the Institute is not responsible for my safety or acts of third parties and imposition of governmental restrictions. I agree to release and not hold the Institute responsible for any such problems I encounter participating in a Program.
17. I have read and agree to the Waiver of Liability & Hold Harmless and Covid-19 Assumption of Risk Waiver & Release and understand that I may engage in activities that involve risk of loss of property, personal injury, illness or death. I hereby assume all of the foregoing risks and I release, waive, discharge and agree to hold harmless the Institute and its officers, directors, employees and agents from any loss or liability in any way relating thereto. I unconditionally release the Institute from any claims for damage, injury, loss, or expense of any nature resulting from events beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, crime, terrorism, sickness or quarantine, government restrictions or regulations. This release also applies to any losses arising from the use of any vehicle or from the selection of, or from any act or omission by, any housing agency, host family, travel agency, transportation provider, hotel or excursion provider, host institution, company or individual.
18. I understand that obtaining a passport and any other required travel documents is my sole responsibility. I understand that it is my responsibility to travel legally and possess all necessary travel documents and I will not hold the Institute responsible at any time relating to my dismissal from the Program for insufficient travel documents including costs and expenses associated with my dismissal. By offering participation in Study Abroad Programs, or processing my application, the Institute is making no representations (verbally or through actions) relative to immigration issues, inclusive of passport or visa issues. I understand that the inability to obtain these visas and other documents does not constitute grounds for a refund or waiving of any program fees. I understand that failing to acquire the required travel and permit of stay documents for study in the host country for the duration of the program is grounds for dismissal at my full expense and without refund.
19. I understand that as a Participant in the Program, I will be residing in housing arranged by the Institute. I also understand that housing practices will be explained to me and made available to me during Orientation. I have read fully and agree to the Housing Agreement and agree to abide by the terms as well as any additional agreements or contracts required during the pendency of the Program. In particular, and with respect to housing, I acknowledge and understand that I am solely responsible for my own possessions and safety of those possessions, and that the Institute is not responsible for theft or burglary of my possessions, nor is the Institute responsible for lost or misplaced possessions of mine at any time. I also acknowledge that it is my sole responsibility, relating to my personal possessions that I inquire from my insurance company, whether any particular property or rental insurance policy I maintain, or that are maintained for me, cover my possessions, will be valid in the location of my study abroad program, and if not, that if I wish for my possessions to be insured, that it is my sole responsibility to deal with insurance providers who will cover my possessions in the location of my study abroad program, and it is my sole responsibility to understand, make available, or obtain coverage for my personal possessions in the location of my study abroad program, as well as to ensure that I understand any exceptions or exclusions within my policy.
20. I understand that I must maintain a working cell phone at all times that is capable of sending and receiving phone calls in the host country. I agree to acquire a local cell phone or international plan upon arrival and to share my contact details with the Institute. I understand that open communication is imperative, especially while studying abroad. I agree to keep my cell phone active and able to receive calls (only place my cell phone in flight mode when required) and agree to always respond promptly to Institute calls and texts. I understand Wi-Fi spots for communications in countries abroad may not always be available or dependable.
21. I also acknowledge, in order to facilitate communication of situations impactful to me, the Institute requires I share my travel destinations and itineraries with the Institute Staff when I travel outside the host city, and at least before each weekend (by 6pm Thursday) whether I choose to remain in the host city or travel away from the host city. It is further understood that the Institute, if it needs to contact me, will utilize reasonable effort in the circumstances, including email communication and telephonic communication including outreach to roommates, friends, other program participants, my emergency contacts and/or my home university or sending institution. Should I not obtain a local contact number, fail to share my local contact number and/or travel plans with the Institute, or refuse to communicate with the Institute, I acknowledge the Institute will not be able to advise or direct me as needed, resulting in potential risk to me and may be grounds for dismissal from the program without compensation.
22. I understand that I am required to enroll in an insurance plan that provides international health insurance coverage for my benefit while in the Program, including health, mental health, accident and accidental death insurance. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand the limitations of this coverage and agree that the Institute is not responsible for any uninsured losses.
23. I understand that I am required to report any health conditions, prescriptions or other medications, allergies, dietary restrictions, other ongoing medical concerns, psychological or physical, to the Institute. I agree to do so prior to the program’s start date and to do so in a way that provides all relevant details. I understand that the Institute stores this information securely and only refers to it when necessary in the support of my health and the organization of Institute activities.
24. If I am sick or injured while participating in the Program, I authorize the Institute to take such action as it considers necessary to secure treatment and/or transportation back to the United States. I release the Institute from any liability relating to medical care. I agree to provide the name of an Emergency Contact whom the Institute may contact should the Institute deem it necessary. If the Institute incurs any expense on my behalf that is not covered by insurance, I agree to make immediate repayment upon my return. I hereby acknowledge that this Application does not create any affirmative duty or responsibility for the Institute to take any action should I become sick or injured while participating in a Program.
25. I agree to comply with all the Institute’s Policies, including its rules, standards, instructions and practices for program participation behavior and that failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the Program. If dismissed, I understand that (a) the cost of returning home is my own expense, and (b) I will not receive a refund of any kind. I understand that my participation may be terminated if I am expelled from school, deemed academically ineligible by the school, or otherwise disciplined by school or civil authorities, or if the Institute, in its sole discretion, determines that my conduct is incompatible with the safety or welfare of other participants and/or myself, or, in any way undermines the Program interests, safety or welfare of other participants, faculty, staff, contractors, or members of the local community. I agree to indemnify the Institute if I do anything that causes the Institute to sustain financial loss or liability.
26. I understand that upon arrival and for the duration of the program I must communicate directly and promptly with the Institute, and not rely on others to communicate on my behalf, should I have any questions or concerns regarding my housing, courses, academic and attendance policies, health, safety, or issues of concern. I understand the Institute may not communicate on my behalf to third parties including parents, guardians, friends, relatives or others without my written authorization, except in cases of emergency.
27. Through my signature below, or by checking the boxes on this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to all the terms and agreements in this application, including the:
· Student Code of Conduct (click to open)
· Housing Agreement (click to open)
· Waiver of Liability & Hold Harmless (click to open)
· Covid-19 Assumption of Risk Waiver & Release (click to open)
· Consent Form for Authorities (click to open)
. GDPR Data Protection & Privacy (click to open)
as well as other Institute policies (application policies, payment policies, academic policies and academic integrity policies) together with any additional policies adopted by the Institute and applicable during the tenure of the program for which I am applying, are agreeable, are understandable and, this acknowledgement forms a legal and binding obligation/contract.
I certify that all of the information I have provided on this Application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I agree to inform the Institute as soon as I learn of any error or change to this information. I understand that any misrepresentation, irrespective of whether innocent or intentional, may result in rejection of my application and dismissal from the Institute Program, irrespective of whether the Program commenced or not. I acknowledge that, in making its acceptance decision, the Institute may rely on the information that I have provided.
This agreement will be effective as of the date stated below. I, the undersigned, agree that, in keeping with the objectives of the program, I am expected to abide by behavior policies and participation conditions defined by the Institute and my home school or provider.
Through my signature below, or by checking the boxes for an on-line application, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to all the above terms and agreements in this application.
**Not applicable to Clemson University students, except in instances when a student knowingly and voluntarily submits materials to the Institute.